Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Did i only gain 11 pounds!? hehe

35wks 5days...(This is craziness!!!!!I know, im shocked too!!) I am still at a 2 as of my Doctor apt yesterday. The babies are doing great and moving a lot! They both have tons of fluid! Skyler WAS head down at my ultrasound last Tuesday but yesterday she is now showing breech!! Zane is still head down and will for sure be the first to pop out! I can still have a Vag delivery as long as Zane (baby A) stays head down.

I lOOOOOVVVE that i get soooo many ultrasounds. I honestly have had one if not two weekly throughout my entire pregnancy...sometimes i would just call into the Dr office and tell them im feelin a bit "weird" and i think i would feel more comfortable if i came in for an u/s to just check to make sure all is well...and they TOTALLY would let me just come in whenever. Yeah, its great. Anyways...So the u/s also went well yesterday. Since the twins lungs are fully developed now (thanks to the steroid shots) you can totally see the babies lungs just pumping away...practice breathing! I loved watching them breath! They also checked the twins weigh...
Zane is 6lbs!! Skyler is 5lbs!!! OMG...lets do the math...5lbs + 6lbs = 11 lbs!!! So i have 11 pounds of JUST baby chillin in this tummy!! Yeah, wow, i know! I keep thinking to myself that whatever i feel right now during this pregnancy and how large my belly is...next time i get prego i will never have to feel this HUGE or uncomfortable again!! I will have such a small tummy with just one and i will never be as uncomfortable as i am right now with these twins... :)

So... 16 days from today i will be 38 weeks (on July 15th)...So if i havent delivered these two by then, then i will be induced on 7/15!! So since i am sick of guessing then being let down each time i dont think i would EVER make it past "that certain" week....THEN I DO! Im over that. SOOOOOO....I decided i am only looking forward to 16 days from now, its nice to know i will for sure meet MY BABIES on or before the 15th!!! YEAH!!!


  1. awesome sweetie we all are excite to meet the babies when they finally decide to join the world lol love ya

