Saturday, March 27, 2010

Prego talk

A list of things that are different this pregnancy from the that im past the point of my past pregnancy...

• A small bit of comfort in knowing that my water wouldn’t coincidentally break the same day that it did last time and it is possible for my body to carry past the point of 19wks 3 days.
• When im actually standing for the couple minutes that I do stand my tummy feels VERY heavy…
• I cant see under my belly any longer so I am unable to shave…at all!!! Huh its uncomfortable and sucks!!!
• The babies move soooo much. Its weird cause one side of my belly will move and then the other will do it at the same time, it’s a crazy thing having more then one in there.
• Its hard for me to sleep and im only 22wks! I feel huge. Its hard to get comfortable, my tummy is so heavy when im laying on my side…even with a pillow under it its still uncomfortable.
• I HONESTLY get up minimum 4 times a night to go pee. ITS TRUE! I count…lol
• Tim was able to feel the babies kick and move around for the first time the other day and it was an amazing feeling to see him in that small way he can right now connect with the twins, it mad me sad to think he never got to feel the other set of twins in my tummy.
• Its an exciting feeling to be so close to 24wks (since that’s when babies are viable…If they are born they will be taken to the NICU, and will at least be given a chance at life rather then just set on my tummy and watch them pass) that’s where I wished I could`ve been last time I was prego… its still SUPER early but it’s a good feeling to know that if they were born something will be done to attempt to keep them alive.
• Being on bed rest is super boring, I never thought id say I actually look forward to work after the weekend cause I actually GET to do something rather then watch tv, read, eat and sleep. Saturdays and Sundays are soo boring the back of my head hurts by the end of the day from laying down on it all day long, its ridiculous! (but for a good cause of course : )
• I didn’t mention this in my first post… I am unable to have sex this entire pregnancy, yup. Ever since I got my Cerclage in at 14wks not one bit of sex! Its craziness. So if you see my husband and he seems a little on edge you know why…poor guy!!! Its kinda funny to me because we didn’t have sex to become prego (since we did IVF fertility) and now we cant have sex during the pregnancy… its like its not even necessary with the technology we have these days… haha.

My weekly appointments are going great, the babies are strong and are growing just fine. My cervix hasnt changed at all since 16wks and is still measuring at a 3.5cm...nice and long, right where it needs to stay!


  1. Wow hun I am so glad you are doing so well. I know what you mean by being so bored. I had to do the same with bella. Don't worry it will end eventually and you will be so happy to hold those precious babies in your arms. You are going to be an amazing mom. Tim is going to be an amazing dad. Love you sis and cant wait to see you and meet the babies. So any names yet?

    Michelle, Jim Isabella, & Abbie

  2. Hey you! Set your sights for 2 more weeks, then 2 more, then 2 more and so on. Each and every week you get under your belt is a step closer. Shaving.... well, that's a great thing for Tim to help you with. I remember Rich getting hot towels to lay on my legs and dry one to lay under them and a bowl of hot water to dip the razor in. I just had a problem not getting the chills - and then, what do you know... razor burn. But it's great that the men are there to help us when we are helpless. ;) And the lack of sex... well, I have to say... totally worth it... but if he needs someone to talk to, Rich knows exactly how he feels. Have a great week. I'll come see you and bring you lunch to break up the monotony for you!!

  3. Congratulations!! I am so excited for you! This is such an amazing thing and I'm so excited you get to experience this with your hubby and with new appreciation. Good luck and you're in our prayers. Congrats again!

  4. Hey girl! I don't know if you will even remember me. It's been FOREVER! I just wanted to say congratulations and I wish you and your family all the very best! Tell Camilla Keeley says hi!

